About Us
About Us
While Africa is a continent of vast potential, it currently faces serious obstacles of poverty, chronic hunger, disease, ecological degradation, and violence. Catholic women religious are a strong force in harnessing that potential, addressing these issues and offering hope for the future.
These women, who are deeply trusted by their societies, work to improve life at the community and national level by leading and serving where the needs are the greatest: AOSK Justice and Peace Commission is out to create awareness of the dignity of the human person, to uphold human rights and freedoms and to promote a safe and healthy environment where natural resources are respected, conserved and shared by all
AOSK has evolved over the span of fifty years and we look back with gratitude to God for what has been achieved within the five decades.
Celebrating Fifty years (half a century) is a great gift of God’s goodness for consecrated religious women whose life of dedication is in service of the church and the whole of humanity.
We are grateful to our founders on whose shoulders we stand today. We appreciate and enjoy good leadership thanks to the support of the members.

Get to Know us
Our core Values
Respect and Diversity
Board of Management

Sr. Josephine Kangogo,DSH
AOSK Chairperson
Sr. Josephine Kangogo Keino is a member of the religious Institute. Daughters of the Sacred Heart, Eastern Africa Province. She is the Current Provincial Superior of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart and the Chairperson of the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya, (AOSK). where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission. And official spokesperson of AOSK.

Sr. Lina Wanjiku,SE
AOSK Vice Chairperson
Sr. Lina Wanjiku belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Emmanuel. Sr. Lina is currently the ASEC Regional Director for East and South Central Africa as well as the Superior General of her Congregation and AOSK Executive member where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission as the chair of Risk and audit Committee of AOSK.

Sr. Pasilisa Namikoye , LSOSF
AOSK Executive Secretary
Sr. Pasilisa Namikoye is a member of the religious Institute of the Little Sisters of St. Francis. Currently She is the AOSK Executive Secretary and Principal administrator of the Secretariat of the Association. Where she provides leadership in the attainment of the vision, Mission and aims of the Association

Sr. Josepha Atswele,SMK
Sr. Josepha Angeline belongs to the Congregation of the Sisters of Mary of Kakamega. She is currently the Superior General of her Congregation and AOSK Executive member where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission. as the chair of Finance and administration Committee of AOSK.

Sr. Mary Magdalene Nyile,RNDM
Sr. Mary Magdalen Nyile is a member of an international Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (Religieuses de Notre Dame des Missions) (RNDM). Currently she is the Leader of the Kenyan Province. and Executive board member of AOSK and foresee the administration of Tumaini centre.

Sr. Maria Gorretti King'ori,CPS
Sr. Maria Goretti (Elizabeth) King'ori belongs to the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood. At present, she is the Provincial Superior of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood East Africa Province covering Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan. and AOSK Executive Member, where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission as the vice chair of member service and program Committee of AOSK.

Sr. Mary Purity Ireri,CSSF
Sr. Mary Purity belongs to the congregation of the Felician Sisters. At present, she is the Provincial Superior of the Felician Sisters and also a member of the AOSK Executive board where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission as the vice chair of member service and program Committee of AOSK.

Sr.Esther Munyiri,SMI
Sr. Esther Munyiri belongs to the congregation of Sisters of Mary Immaculate. At present, she is the Mother Superior of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate and also a member of the AOSK Executive board where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission as the vice chair of member service and program Committee of AOSK.

Sr. Joyce Nyangucha,ASE
Sr. Joyce Nyangucha is a member of the congregation of Assumption Sisters of Eldoret. She is the Current Superior General of the Assumption Sisters of Eldoret and a member of AOSK Executive Board where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission.

Sr. Jacinta Mary Adhiambo,ESM
Sr. Jacinta Mary Adhiambo belongs to the Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary. Sr. Jacinta is currently the Superior General of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary and a member of the AOSK Executive Board where she acts on behalf of members to direct the activities of the Association towards attainment of its vision and mission .