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The Association of Sisterhoods of  Kenya Catholic Care for Children in Kenya (AOSK-CCCK) began  in May 2018, when AOSK realized that their human development works does bring change and impact in the society does contributing towards sustainable development Goals. From this perspective, the Association through its CCCK Programs goal of holistic family and community-based care for vulnerable children is conscious of ensuring healthy living, promoting and strengthening the well-being of families and vulnerable children for sustainable human development.

AOSK-CCCK has consolidated efforts of AOSK member congregations and stakeholder and created a synergy to scale up family, and community based care as its primary mandate, and alternative care by strategically creating a structure to offer quality, affordable and sustainable program (CCCK) as indicated in the Association strategic plan 2018-2022.

The Catholic Care for Children is animated by the charism of care that is expressed by religious women and men whose leadership and service have often embodied the best of the Christian mandate to care for those in need through the International Union of Superiors General, national associations of religious, and other appropriate groups.

 CCC is building capacity to express a charism of care for children.


Rooted in touchstones of the Catholic faith, especially

-Biblical mandates to care for children and other vulnerable persons
-Principles of Catholic social teaching, especially those emphasizing the dignity of each person, a preferential option for the poor, and the right of each person to participate fully in family and community

Informed by social sciences that are clear about the

-Importance of nurturing family bonds for holistic, healthy development across life span
-Understanding the risks associated with separation from family care, especially in institutional settings

Aligned with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child that spells out

-The child’s right to a family
-Guidelines for alternative care of children who are separated from their families.
-Grounded in these pillars, Catholic Care for Children is committed to a continuum of care pertaining to the best interests of the child:
-If families are in distress, provide support to prevent separation of children.
-If separation occurs, see that children are re-united with families or placed in permanent family like settings.
-If alternative residential care is necessary, ensure care is of the highest quality and shortest duration possible.

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