Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation


The vision of the AOSK-JPC is a just and peaceful society in which the dignity of the human person is reverenced, human rights upheld and where the interconnectedness of all creation enables people to live in harmony.


Guided and challenged by biblical values, the social teachings of the church and the desire to bring about the “kingdom” of God in our world, the mission of AOSK-JPC is to create awareness of the dignity of the human person, to uphold human rights and freedoms and to promote a safe and healthy environment where natural resources are respected, conserved and shared by all.


To challenge and change unjust practices, systems and structures, especially those related to women, the marginalization of the poor and the destruction of the environment, by upholding human rights and freedoms and by encouraging the personal and social responsibility of all.

About Us

Background of JPIC

The Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK) was founded in 1962 at the behest of the Holy See who felt the need for Women Religious to find unity in strength through mutual collaboration. AOSK was granted a Certificate of Incorporation as a corporate body under the name “Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya: Registered Trustees under the Land (Perpetual Succession)Act (Cap 286) on 21st June 1974 and was registered as an incorporated body in the same year.

The Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya- Justice and Peace Commission, (AOSK-JPC) was later founded on April 29, 1991 to address issues of injustice, especially those related to women and the growing marginalization of the poor in the Kenyan Society where the members serve.

It was born out of the realization that, as Consecrated women-Sisters, could no longer remain ignorant and inactive in relation to socio-economic, political and cultural problems when human rights are violated. AOSK-JPC acknowledges the reality of destitution suffered by many people as well as lack of a climate of peace in Kenya, and believes that these are mainly due to unjust practices, systems and structures, lack of awareness/ ignorance, apathy and even self- centeredness.

AOSK-JPC proposes to address this situation through civic and human rights education and leadership training, especially for Religious and Lay-women, in order to empower them to voice out their issues at policy making levels

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Sr. Pasilisa Namikoye's bold speech when sisters visited the Office for Gender & Affirmative Action

The Team

Sr. Bernadette Nzioka,DSH

AOSK-JPC Program Coordinator

Sr. Hedwig Muse,LSMIG


Mr. Evans Onyango

AOSK-JPC Accounts Officer

Ms.Katharina Schneider

AOSK-JPC:Programme Officer for Inter-religious dialogue and resource based conflicts

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